It’s spring in New Mexico, so naturally the weather here is unpredictable. On this day with Sarah and Taylor we set out to the foothills of the Sandia Mountains for a couples portrait. Not knowing if the cold spring winds would greet us, we layered up! When we arrived they helped their beautiful dog, Jax, get out the back of their Jeep with a special ramp, and we headed up the trail. They take Jax everywhere they can.

The sun was on the horizon where the sky was clear, but the trail we walked on was under cloud cover and the tops of the mountains were still white with snow. We only took a few steps when we noticed the finest bit of snowfall around us. The snowflakes were delicate and gentle and didn’t even touch ground. It was so unexpected and fun to walk through, you can see bits of snowflakes picking up light in the photos if you look for it, a beautiful trouvaille to be had. The little flurries added to the romance of our hike. Sarah and Taylor are like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together. We even joked that their “best sides” are complementary, Sarah’s to the right and Taylor’s to the left. Their connection was effortless and you can tell they have found home in one another. Not to mention they light up when Jax smiles.


